What is the use of Default Values tab on Subject Add/Edit Screen ?

 Map this(or multiple) Subject(s) to a Program to

  1. Auto-create Subject records when you create a Client Enrolment with the mapped Program and, 
  2. Auto-fill subject record with default data you provide on Subject Add/Edit screen.


Fields you need to provide on this Subject Add/Edit Screen > Default Values Tab are:-

  1. Program Id: Provide a Program id to map a subject to a Program. This is used to auto-create subject records when a client enrolment with the mapped program is created.
  2. All other fields (Training org delivery loc id, Delivery mode id, outcome id - national, VET in schools flag, Funding source - national, Specific funding id): are used to auto-fill the data of the new records which are auto-created.


Please Note :

The 'Activity start date' and 'Activity end date' (of Client Subject Enrolment) is set to TODAYYou will need to change the dates manually.



How to - Map Subject(s) to Program and auto-create & auto-fill Client Subject Enrolment records

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