The Ace AVETMISS CONNECT opens a world of advanced integration options which allows you to program an automatic data communication between your in-house ad-hoc systems and Ace AVETMISS server.

Ace AVETMISS CONNECT can help if :

  • Existing training data is huge? Need a better & automated way to IMPORT huge size existing datainto Ace AVETMISS? You are in luck! Import to Ace AVETMISS from any system, save time, effort and reduce chances of human error.
  • Ongoing training data should auto-magically show up in Ace AVETMISS? Looking to truly CONNECT & integrate Ace AVETMISS with any in-house ad-hoc system? Smart thinking, imagine the amount of time & effort you will save on an ongoing basis, and avoid any chances of human error.
  • You have data management needs that can’t be satisfied manually.
  • Need to create quick dashboards in Excel over your training data? Here is your next ‘WOW’ moment, Fetch your Ace AVETMISS data in Excel and use sorting, filtering etc to create quick dashboards you need. Now that’s called cutting edge technology.
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